holotropní umění
holotropic art
Holotropic art is a concept introduced by Milan Hrabánek in 2013, when he organized the first exhibition of holotropic art by Jana Vysoudilová. It´s the result of his twenty-five-year commitment to artwork from a psychiatrist and psychologist perspective. Works that arise from holotropic states of consciousness are manifested by art and also by music, singing or poetry.
The first Holotropic art event, which took place under the auspices of the Dagmar and Vaclav Havel Foundation VIZE 97 in 2016, was met with remarkable success. This can be documented not only by the catalogue dedicated to this exhibition, but also by the great interest of journalists and by personal participation of the former first lady, Mrs. Dagmar Havlova, and Stanislav Grof. At the opening of the exhibition was his lecture on „Modern Consciousness Research and the Understanding of Art", in which he mentioned not only the world-famous outstanding artist H. R. Giger, but also a number of the others. Such as Roberto Venosa, Martina Hoffmann and Alex Grey. On that occasion, it occurred to me that it would be amazing for visitors of the planned International Transpersonal Conference 2017 to have the opportunity to experience the works of these world-famous outstanding artists. In addition, I thought that maybe just imported fragments, in the form of their unique paintings, could enrich visitors.
The whole Holotropic Art project, which has been successful in the Czech Republic in 2016, continued in the following year, when I organized the second exhibition of Holotropic art, again under the auspices of the Dagmar and Vaclav Havel Foundation VIZE 97. It was pleasing to see the growing interest of artists who wanted to present their works at such exhibition. Therefore, Prague Crossroads, in the spring of this year, welcomed new artists, new works of art, including artistic installations and video projections.
These two exhibitions have prepared the ground in the Czech Republic for the performance of such an exceptional project as the International Exhibition of Holotropic Art which took place in Villa Pellé and Písecká brána in September 2017 and again in Linhartovy castle in September-October 2018.
In addition to these large exhibitions, a number of smaller exhibitions took place in the series "Holotropic ART Echoes", in various galleries throughout the Czech Republic, as well as in the International Transpersonal Center Holos.
The exhibited works, influenced by the holotropic states of consciousness, illustrate the extended cartography of human psyche and add to it a high artistic value. Therefore, during their tour, we have the opportunity to see an even greater depth of the artist's psyche.
On this site you will now find information about the artists involved in the Holotropic ART project, the exhibitions that took place and the exhibitions that are planned.
So what we wish for?
Let the archetype of the artist awaken in every one of us during this exhibition, becoming a source of inspiration and setting off the inner play of the heart, turning into harmony for ourselves, our surroundings and our planet.
Milan Hrabánek / Project author
Definition of
Holotropic ART
Holotropic art is artistic expression or creation that occurs during or after various types of holotropic states of consciousness. It emerges from deeper layers of consciousness and has transformative and integrative effects not only on the creator, but also on those who interact with the work. It can include various forms of artistic expression such as painting, drawing, music, literature, or even performance art that arise as a manifestation of deeper emotional or spiritual experiences that the individual has had during holotropic states of consciousness (e.g., holotropic breathing, psychedelic sessions, spontaneously during a psychospiritual crisis, etc.).
– M. Hrabánek (1997)


Current exhibitions
Planned exhibitions
Past exhibitions

Holotropic Art 6
Czech-English catalogue from the sixth exhibition of Holotropic Art, which took take place at the Linhartovy Castle from 9 September to 31 October 2023.
Holos, 2023
Holotropic Art 5
Czech-English catalogue from the fifth exhibition of holotropic art, which took place from 7 September to 31 October 2019 at Linhartovy Castle.
Holos, 2019.

Holotropic Art 3: International exhibition
Czech-English catalogue for the International Exhibition of Holotropic Art, which took place 28.9 - 8.10.2017 in Villa Pellé and Písecká brána in Prague on the occasion of the International Transpersonal Conference ITC Prague 2017.

Holotropic Art 2
Czech-English catalogue from the second exhibition of holotropic art, which took place on 21-23 April 2017 under the auspices of the Dagmar and Václav Havel Foundation VIZE97 at the Prague Crossroads at the Festival of Holotropic Culture. The second wave of Holotropic ART.

Holotropic Art 1
Czech-English catalogue from the first Czech exhibition of holotropic art, which took place 22-26 April 2016 under the auspices of the Dagmar and Václav Havel Foundation VIZE97 at Prague Crossroads.
The first wave of Holotropic ART.